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【USA】JKA Los Angeles BUDO Karate Seminar (Los Angeles, California, USA)

【USA】JKA Los Angeles BUDO Karate Seminar (Los Angeles, California, USA)

【USA】JKA Los Angeles BUDO Karate Seminar (Los Angeles, California, USA)

JKA Los Angeles BUDO Karate Seminar (Los Angeles, California, USA)


From September 22nd to 24th, 2023, a Budio Karate Seminar by JKA Los Angeles was held in Los Angeles, California under the guidance of Shihan Taniyama.
This seminar attracted a large number of karate practitioners, JKA members, from all the United States, with a total of over 300 participants over the three days, and were able to receive a variety of guidance on each day.
In addition, during this seminar, Black Belt Dan Exam and various qualification exams were held. A total of about 30 JKA members took the black belt exam from 1st dan to 4th dan, and a total of 20 people took the qualification exam for Instructor, Judge, and examiner. A large number of examinees demonstrated the results of their daily training.

On the first day of the seminar, we held a class just for beginners and children in beginning, and then we had a joint training session that included people with senior black belts. During the general seminar, we received basic instruction focusing on how to use each part of the body as well.
Furthermore, after the seminar on the same day, a clinic was held for black belt examinations and qualification examinations, and it was very impressive to see all the participants answering questions with great seriousness.

The second day of the seminar was held at the Martial Art Gym Hall (Terasaki Budokan) in downtown Los Angeles, where we received instruction centered on Kata. At the seminar, we
received detailed explanations of all Heian kata, and then took time to thoroughly teach Sochin and Jitte katas.

On the third day of the seminar, the instruction focused on kumite, and we first carefully taught the basic movement of the center of gravity and the basic movements of the hips and legs, and then we were taught Kihon 1-pon, Jiyu 1-pon Kumite, and detailed training. It was a very heated practice, especially for those with senior male black belts, while receiving guidance. On the final day, we also held a karate tournament that also served as a referee exam, and about 40 people, ranging from
children to high-level senior black belts, competed in an extremely powerful match.

These seminars were attended by many JKA instructors and students from all over the United States, as well as students and instructors from dojos that newly joined JKA this year, and had a great time with social gatherings, regional meeting, dinner party, qualification exams, black belt exams, and JKA training tournament. The content was rich and the event was a great success from beginning to end.
I believe that many of the participants in this seminar returned to their dojos with a real sense of what JKA’s BUDO (martial arts) karate is like.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Shihan Taniyama for his special seminars, and to all the instructors and staffs at the JKA headquarters, staff and volunteers at the JKA Los Angeles, and everyone who participated in the seminar, for making this seminar a success.


JKA WF Los Angeles
Japan Karate Association Los Angeles



JKA ロサンゼルス武道空⼿セミナー(カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス)


2023 年 9 ⽉22 から24 ⽇にかけ、カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルスにて JKA Los Angeles 主催の武道空⼿セミナーが⾕⼭師範のご指導の元開催されました。
今回のセミナーには、全⽶各地の数多くのJ KAメンバーが集まり、3⽇間の合計で約300名以上が参加し、各⽇程における様々なご指導をいただくことができました。



⾕⼭師範には、格別のご指導を厚く御礼申し上げ、また今回のセミナーを成功に導いていただきました、総本部の先⽣⽅や職員の皆様⽅、JKA ロサンゼルス道場のスタッフ・ボランティア、セミナーに参加いただいた全ての⽅々に⼤変感謝を申し


JKA WF Los Angeles


The Japan Karate Association is a Public Interest Incorporated Association certified by the Cabinet Office and is committed to cultivate youth with quality.
The Prime Minister Cup and the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports Cup are awarded to the national convention hosted by the Society.