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【SPAIN】II JKA Karatedo Seminar in Manresa (Barcelona)

【SPAIN】II JKA Karatedo Seminar in Manresa (Barcelona)

【SPAIN】II JKA Karatedo Seminar in Manresa (Barcelona)

II Seminario de Karatedo JKA en Manresa (Barcelona).

La ciudad de Manresa (Barcelona), albergó el pasado fin de semana 13/15. 01. 2023, el II Seminario de Karatedo JKA impartido por Fernando Rivera 7º Dan. Este evento ha sido Organizado por el Centro deportivo Esport 7 y llevado a cabo en las instalaciones del Complex Sportiu del Vell Congost. Un centenar de karatekas tomaron parte en los entrenamientos realizados en jornadas de mañana del sábado y domingo. Con el objetivo de mejorar el nivel técnico se hizo estudio y perfeccionamiento de los conceptos básicos (Kihon), trabajo de Katas Heian, Nijushiho y Wankan y diferentes formas de aplicación de Jiyu Ippón Kumite. Cabe destacar el buen nivel de los participantes y una estupenda organización en unas inmejorables instalaciones deportivas, facilitando y garantizando las estupendas jornadas de intensos entrenamientos. Un gran fin de semana con el Karatedo como protagonista. Damos las gracias a todos los karatekas participantes y personal implicado en la organización.¡Ossu!


II JKA Karatedo Seminar in Manresa (Barcelona).

The city of Manresa (Barcelona), hosted last weekend 13/15. 01. 2023, the II JKA Karatedo Seminar given by Fernando Rivera 7th Dan. This event has been organized by the Esport 7 Sports Center and carried out at the facilities of the Complex Sportiu del Vell Congost. A hundred karatekas took part in the training sessions held in the morning on Saturday and Sunday. With the objective of improving the technical level, the study and improvement of the basic concepts (Kihon), work of Katas Heian, Nijushiho and Wankan and different forms of application of Jiyu Ippón Kumite were carried out. It is worth noting the good level of the participants and a wonderful organization in unbeatable sports facilities, facilitating and guaranteeing wonderful days of intense training. A great weekend with Karatedo as the protagonist. We thank all the participating karatekas and personnel involved in the organization. Ossu!



The Japan Karate Association is a Public Interest Incorporated Association certified by the Cabinet Office and is committed to cultivate youth with quality.
The Prime Minister Cup and the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports Cup are awarded to the national convention hosted by the Society.