Home » Reports » 【NEDERLAND】 6th Memorial Gasshuku JKA NEDERLAND – with Shimizu Sensei and Kurihara Sensei

【NEDERLAND】 6th Memorial Gasshuku JKA NEDERLAND – with Shimizu Sensei and Kurihara Sensei

【NEDERLAND】 6th Memorial Gasshuku JKA NEDERLAND – with Shimizu Sensei and Kurihara Sensei

【NEDERLAND】 6th Memorial Gasshuku JKA NEDERLAND – with Shimizu Sensei and Kurihara Sensei

JKA Nederland organized the 6th Memorial Gasshuku in The Netherlands. This event is every year on JKA Nederlands founder, Peter Wewengkang sensei’s, birthday. This to keep the memory a live and to share our passion: JKA karate

This year we invited Shimizu Sensei and Kurihara Sensei. It was a great event with over 275 people, which is great for such a small karate country.
There were guests from all over Europe, even from Pakistan and Russia, to train with these great teachers.

On Thursday we made the time to visit The Dutch city Amsterdam and our Japanese sensei saw a few Dutch traditions.

Friday it was time for karate and the first training was held in the JKA Nederland honbu dojo in Neerbeek (South of the Netherlands).

In this training both Shimizu sensei and Kurihara sensei have taught us the basics of karate. The dojo was very crowded and over 80 people joined this class.

Saturday we went to a bigger sports place and the lessons were very technical. It was a great honour to have both sensei’s in one room.
After training we had our annual JKA Nederland party in the local bar.

Sunday allready the last day, Sawada Sensei was our special guest and he taught the young generation karateka.

Shodan, nidan and higher dangrade have been taught by Kurihara en Shimizu sensei.

After the last training 6 people went to dangrading and all candidates passed their exams.
Tamara Wewengkang


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The Japan Karate Association is a Public Interest Incorporated Association certified by the Cabinet Office and is committed to cultivate youth with quality.
The Prime Minister Cup and the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports Cup are awarded to the national convention hosted by the Society.