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【MONGOLIA】1st JKA Mongolia Gasshuku

【MONGOLIA】1st JKA Mongolia Gasshuku

【MONGOLIA】1st JKA Mongolia Gasshuku

Report: 1st JKA Mongolia Gasshuku

Date: June 23-25, 2023 (Gasshuku), June 26, 2023 (Dan Examination)

The 1st JKA Mongolia Gasshuku was a remarkable event organized by JKA Mongolia with the support of the Embassy of Japan in Mongolia. Held from June 23 to June 25, 2023, at the scenic Gobi Resort Sport Complex, participants experienced intensive training in the heart of nature a few kilometers from Ulaanbaatar, followed by a Dan examination and training session on June 26 at the JKA Mongolia Honbu Dojo in Ulaanbaatar.

The Gasshuku attracted a total of 70 participants, including karate practitioners from JKA Mongolia as well as international attendees from Greece, Germany, and Russia. This diverse group of participants brought a wealth of experiences and perspectives to the event.

Led by Koichiro Okuma Shihan, the Gasshuku comprised two daily training sessions tailored to different age groups and skill levels. Participants focused on kihon, kata, and kumite, covering various essential aspects such as speed development, the significance of Hara, body weight shifting, tai sabaki, “go no sen”, simultaneous defense and attack, hip utilization, tsubame gaeshi, using of the hikite to increase speed, and use of ground to generate magnificent power. Detailed instruction on Bassai-dai and Bassai-sho was also provided.

The Gasshuku commenced on June 23 with a small opening ceremony featuring speeches from Myagmartsog Erdenetsogt, President of the “Traditional Karate-do Association,” Mr. Kikuma Shigeru, Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of Japan, and Undram Erdenesoyol, representative of the “Physical Culture and Sports State Committee” in Mongolia. The ceremony also included traditional Mongolian performances such as dance, music, singing, and contortion. The event gained significant media coverage from the main television networks in Mongolia. The Gasshuku concluded with a memorable “Sayonara party” at the Gobi Resort.

The Gasshuku proved to be a motivating and valuable experience for the participants. They gained new insights, improved their skills, and developed a deeper understanding of traditional JKA Karate. Okuma Shihan’s guidance and instruction were highly appreciated for his expertise, friendly demeanor, and rigorous training approach. The event fostered a sense of gratitude towards JKA headquarters for allowing the organization of the Gasshuku, the Embassy of Japan in Mongolia for their support, the participants and their families, volunteers, and event sponsors.

Based on the resounding success of the 1st JKA Mongolia Gasshuku, there is a strong desire to make it an annual event. The aim is to continue growing JKA Mongolia, promoting traditional JKA Karate, and providing opportunities for karate practitioners to develop their skills and deepen their connection with the global JKA community.

In conclusion, the 1st JKA Mongolia Gasshuku held from June 23 to 26, 2023, brought together participants from Mongolia and various countries, offering them an enriching experience through intensive training and cultural exchanges. The event laid the foundation for future growth and development of JKA Mongolia, further strengthening the bond between practitioners and fostering the spirit of JKA Karate.

Giovanni Virardi
Chairman of JKA/WF Mongolia

The Japan Karate Association is a Public Interest Incorporated Association certified by the Cabinet Office and is committed to cultivate youth with quality.
The Prime Minister Cup and the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports Cup are awarded to the national convention hosted by the Society.