Home » Announcement » Funakoshi Gichin Cup 16th Karate World Championship Tournament : Schedule of the tournaments and related events

Funakoshi Gichin Cup 16th Karate World Championship Tournament : Schedule of the tournaments and related events

Funakoshi Gichin Cup 16th Karate World Championship Tournament : Schedule of the tournaments and related events

Funakoshi Gichin Cup 16th Karate World Championship Tournament : Schedule of the tournaments and related events

Funakoshi Gichin Cup 16th Karate World Championship Tournament  will be held in the following schedule ;


1.Tournaments schedule

Date Venue Event
October 25 Takasaki Arena Junior Tournaments
October 26 Takasaki Arena Veteran Tournaments and Adults tournaments (Preliminary Rounds)
October 27 Takasaki Arena Adults tournaments (Quarter Final to Final round)

*Website of Takasaki Arena → https://www.takasaki-foundation.or.jp/arena/en/



2. Related events schedule

Date Time Venue Event
October 24  2:00 PM Takasaki Arena Judge Meeting
 3:00 PM Takasaki Arena Representative Meeting
October 27  7:00 PM Hotel Metropolitan Takasaki Thanks Party

*About Thank s party on October 27;

The Japan Karate Association is a Public Interest Incorporated Association certified by the Cabinet Office and is committed to cultivate youth with quality.
The Prime Minister Cup and the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports Cup are awarded to the national convention hosted by the Society.