ホーム » 総本部道場 » 総本部道場 稽古再開予定のお知らせ Notification of resume training at JKA HQ

総本部道場 稽古再開予定のお知らせ Notification of resume training at JKA HQ

総本部道場 稽古再開予定のお知らせ Notification of resume training at JKA HQ

総本部道場 稽古再開予定のお知らせ Notification of resume training at JKA HQ




  • 稽古に参加できるのは日本で会員登録している会員のみとします。ただし、最近海外から帰国した方の場合、帰国後2週間以上が経過していて、なおかつ帰国後も発熱や咳・倦怠感などの体調の変化が見られていない方に限ります。
  • 少しでも体調がすぐれないと感じるときは稽古への参加を控えてください。
  • 必ずマスク着用の上ご来館ください。
  • 入館時に職員が検温を実施いたしますのでご協力お願いします。
  • 入り口を含め、館内各所に消毒液を設置しております。ご来館時、稽古場やロッカールームへの出入り時などに必ずご利用ください。
  • 更衣室およびシャワールームの利用はできますが、ロッカーの使用は禁止します。各自、大きめのカバンを持参し、その中に着替え等を入れて稽古の時には道場にもって上がってください。
  • 稽古が終わったらすみやかに総本部を退出してください(2階での器具の使用は禁止します)。
  • 帰宅後もすぐに手洗い・うがいなどをおこなってください。



  • 日本に入国した海外からの渡航者(JKAWF会員、他流派の区別に関わらず)。ただし、新型コロナウイルスの感染が報告される前から日本に滞在し、継続的に総本部の稽古に参加されていた方は除きます。
  • 風邪の症状(発熱、咳、くしゃみ、倦怠感)、その他新型コロナウィルス感染の可能性がある症状のでている方
  • 入館時の検温の結果、体温が37.4℃以上の方
  • 同居家族や身近な知人に新型コロナウィルス感染が疑われる方がいる方
  • 感染による重症化を引き起こしうる疾病をお持ちの方
  • 過去14日以内に海外から帰国・入国した会員







JKA has suspended training at HQ in response to the request for self-restraint announced by the Cabinet Office at the end of February to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, and the spread status after that. Now we plan to resume the training at JKA HQ Dojo from Monday, June 8 (there may be changes depending on the spread of infection in the future).
To keep providing training, it is essential to have your understanding and cooperation. Please do check the following notes again.


[Points to note when participating in training class]

  • Only members who have registered in Japan can participate in the training class. However, for those who have recently returned to Japan from abroad, it is limited to those who have been more than 2 weeks after returning and have not seen any changes in their physical condition such as fever, cough and malaise.
  • If you feel unwell, please do not participate in the lessons.
  • Be sure to wear mask when you visit JKA-HQ dojo.
  • When you enter HQ dojo, our staff takes your temperature.
  • Disinfectants are installed in various places in the building including the entrance. Please be sure to use it when you come and enter the building, enter or leave the Dojo or changing room.
  • You can use the changing room and shower room, but not lockers. Please bring a large bag. Please put your clothes in it, and bring it to the dojo when practicing.
  • Please exit the headquarters soon after training (you cannot use the equipment on the second floor).
  • Please wash your hands and gargle immediately after returning home.


The following people are strictly prohibited from observing and participating in training. Please note.


  • Foreign travelers entering Japan (regardless of JKAWF member or other group). Those who have stayed in Japan before the new coronavirus infection spread and had participated in the training of the HQ continuously are excluded.
  • Those who have symptoms of cold (fever, cough, sneezing, malaise) and other symptoms that may be infected with the new coronavirus.
  • Those who has higher temperature than 37.3 ℃ at thermometry of entrance.
  • Those whose family member or close people are suspected to have a new coronavirus infection.
  • Those who have a disease that may cause serious infection
  • Members who have returned or entered from abroad within the last 14 days


If there is even one person who cannot keep the above points, we will stop the training immediately.

Once again, the understanding and cooperation of everyone is essential for the resumption and continuation of the training. Thank you very much for your kind cooperation.


[To all direct members at JKA HQ]
We do not charge monthly fees for March, April and May. If you have already paid, we will apply for the monthly payment after June.
Those who are worried about participating in the training after June can take off and will not be charged. You do not have to force yourselves to participate.
